I don't know what it is, but something inside of me feels off today. I got home from hanging out with some friends and sat next to my dad and he asked, "You seem different, what's up?" I just looked at him and said,"Good question, I have no idea." I really don't. Nothing's wrong persay, No one's done anything to me, I'm not upset with myself/anyone, something just feels off tonight and IDK why. I DO miss a lot of my friends right now so that might have something to do with it, but even if that IS the case, I probably wouldn't hang out with them if they were here, horrible as it is to say, but really, if you're honest with yourself you have one group at a time that you prefer more than the others. That's life, that's just the way the cookie crumbles.
In my bible study on Wed my pastor talked about Prudence vs. Pride. He brought up a lot of good, interesting points, but I think the one that got me the most was when he quoted the bible and said, "you must be as pure as doves while being as cunning as a snake." or something very close to that...it was either in Matthew or Proverbs. Anyways, the point he was getting across is that though a dove is pure and innocent, it is good to be as wise as the serpent was.(the dove is wise in the same way but instead of coming off as being cunning it is innocent and pure) In Genesis it talks about how the snake was crafty and appealing because he was wise and knew what he was doing. To be genuinely prudent we must know ourselves, use this knowledge to gather more knowledge and with that knowledge become quiet and fruitful in your thoughts and your speech all while getting closer to your goal of having purity, wisdom, innocence and Godlyness in you at the same time. It is then that you start to begin to truly understand how to become prudent.