Monday, June 30, 2008

Gbye Ausy girl

Here are some random pictures from a friends' goodbye night out...

Know what's strange and sounds even stranger? I was thinkin' today about some of my most memorable times in my adult life and about 60% of them have occured in dorm rooms of my friends. I met my first boyfriend in a dorm room, had the best smoothie of ALL time in a dorm room, ripped my favorite pair of jeans in a dorm room cuz I was skateboarding in the room, and that's also where I first found out about blogspot..SO, lots to be said about dorms, but I've heard so many crappy things about them as well that I am SO glad I am not/am ever going to live in one.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Bad Rabbit!

SO, Today I get home from my second job and I am greeted by my cat....and a baby rabbit sitting next to her frozen stiff.scared as all get out. I grabbed a towel and picked it up, then put it in a box to see if my freakin Lion cat hurt the rabbit at all. While I'm lookin' at it, it JUMPS up and hauls ass under my sofa..."oh no!!!" i think to myself, "There's a rabbit loose in my house!" So then Anna came over and we got it cornered, she totally could have caught it, but as she claims, it jumped up at her and it scared her so she let it get away. AUGH! I could have TOTALLY caught it if I had been over there...ugh. Anna might be the only person I know that is afraid of a baby rabbit. Anyways, so then after banging on every piece of furniture upstairs and scouring my entire house, I have come to the hopeful conclusion that the crazy little thing scurried outside in my frantic attempts to rid my house of him.
Here's me and SweetumsFeed(tha'ts what we named him) before he ran away.
Here's the face Anna said the rabbit made at her that scared her so badly.

I miss country swing

Sodium- It's gonna be the death of me! Honestly, I'm sure that if I didn't eat Taco Bell/ drink coke more than once a week(I eat taco bell about 3 times a week) I would be five pounds lighter and have tons more energy...I know this for a fact because I tried it earlier this summer and though I was glad I had the results I did, I caved and went right back...I've gained 3 of the lbs back. lame.

I'm really excited for the day that Anna gets a real cell phone...You know you're crazy-close friends when HER use of minutes on her go phone gets you annoyed...and you don't even have to pay for it.

I really need to remember to stretch before I hula because, as my instructor said if you don't stretch you'll hurt something, and I did...My lower back's totally messed up..damnit.

But, I do not want to talk about sodium or my weight. I want to talk about how you remember people. For me, all my friends have their own picture in my brain. You know how on a cell phone you can assign a picture to people? Think of that in your mind with every person you've ever met. With my main group of people it's usually an actual picture I've actually seen of them: With the sun behind them, black and white ultra super contrasty, pineapples covering half their face, kissing their significant other, laughing at someone telling a story, hugging a pillow seductively, sitting in a classic car lookin sexy, and of course a candid moment where you know they were making a decision. My room is filled with the most iconic pictures of my social network and I love it because they're ALL either framed or matted onto something...almost like a scrapbook..woah!

I guess I'm talkin' about this because I just got done hanging out with three people that have helped shape my life in one way or another. Some of us haden't seen each other in two months, but it's funny how certain things can bond people together so that even if they've been away for a long time they can just pick up right where they left off without having to make small talk and feel awkward...It's even funnier if you're not quite sure WHAT the bond is.

This summer is so different from last summer. It's not nearly as memorable yet and has actually been kinda stressful...but I'm surprisingly ok with it. It's taken a tole on my mind sometimes, but lookin' at the big picture instead of the unfortunate holdups helps. Money is a b*tch any way you look at it, but remembering that there's always a chance to go home, chill, hang out with friends, and drive around with the windows down really helps. I guess I'm just focused enough to know that I have real adult responsibilities and I am gonna be on my own soon. I know there's a time for play, a time for work, a time for romance, a time for singleness, a time for waiting, and a time for taking chances and right now I'm open to anything pretty much but am very determined to not only stay afloat, but glide above and I am not letting anything get in the way of that.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The last text


AEOIFJODSIJF! Ugh...all better.

Monday, June 16, 2008

What was he thinkin!? Part II

Remember how in February I went on a date with a guy and he "was bold" and attacked my face? Yeah, well the same guy texts me yesterday and says I need a favor. Being the person I am I think to myself, I could do him a favor, it wouldn't hurt so I ask him what it is...He procedes to ask me to drive him to Montana to see his, you ready for this? NEW GIRLFRIEND. HAHAHAH, MMK, WHAT guy even in his most bitter of moments asks someone that turned him down to drive him 300 miles to go see his new girlfriend. I said no obviously, but I think I just witnessed one of THE most comedic/ridiculous attempts at jealousy ever. Happy Monday everyone!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

My Earthly Father

Today as we all know iiiiiiiis Fathers Day! I wished my Pastor happy fathers day in the middle of announcements at church when he asked if anyone had any announcements or prayer requests. It was a pretty priceless look on his face when he said, "Indeed thank you, Kelsey..." I don't think anything tops the look of Evan Wilson's blank stare in your direction on a Sunday morning with the rest of the congregation smiling sympathetically at you. Wonderful.
Many of you readers (whoever you are) know the man that is my father, William Hebert, aka Wild Bill. You know he drums, you know he owns his own business, you know he loves to do things for people. One thing I think people never realize about my dad is how extremely selfless he is. Besides sacrificing lazy summer nights with our family to work so that he can keep supporting us, he willingly mows my neighbors' yards as a surprise for them, he will take time out of his crazy schedule to clean up the coffee stains in our church if he notices them, he will make time for anyone that needs him, and never complains...EVER. I wish I were half the person he is. To be so selfless and loving to everyone in his life and putting all of our needs is very rare in a person, and my father does it consistently without hesitation. I hope I become half the person he is. Here's a song dedicated to my dad by one of his favorite bands, Bread. The lead singer wrote it about his own dad.

thank you, Dad.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Why do guys contact you to tell you about the problems they are having with women, openly tell you they're "crying right now" and expect you to go, "aww, that's so cute I think I love him."? It's a bad technique, if you're thinking of using it, DON'T DO IT.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Holy Math

Ever heard of a fractal? They are one of my favorite things on this entire earth, and what they are basically is math as art. Here's how they work: You have a really complex mathematical equation and from that you check each character in the equation to see how fast it goes to infinity. You enter that into a program on your computer that's mapped out to a colour and it creates a pattern from the math like this one below
To me fractals prove God exists more than most things. Who would have thought that even MATH can be beautiful? It really shows that thought was put into everything in the world and that it's impossible that this could happen "randomly". My sister, Tara is really good at noticing things from the world and then tying them back to biblical standards, phrases, and beliefs. Once I walked upstairs and heard her and my mom talking about trees reflecting God's untouchable brilliance. What she was saying was ingenious, and sounds a lot like fractals. She said that a tree is completely perfect in every angle and is pleasing to the eye because of that. It may look random and poorly structured with all the branches going their own ways, but that in itself is actually mathematically perfect. It just LOOKS unpredictable(just like fractals) when in fact the branches are all doing exactly what they are suppose to do and are more complicated than anyone could comprehend.

The reason I wrote about fractals today is because in the preschool room where I work pictures of fractals line the ceiling and I was lookin' at them yesterday and one little girl asked me what they were so I got to explain it to her...I don't think she understood but she smiled at me and said "oh, ok." when I was all done with my little fractal rant. The End.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Wind, Leaves, and Stars

I don't know what it is, but something inside of me feels off today. I got home from hanging out with some friends and sat next to my dad and he asked, "You seem different, what's up?" I just looked at him and said,"Good question, I have no idea." I really don't. Nothing's wrong persay, No one's done anything to me, I'm not upset with myself/anyone, something just feels off tonight and IDK why. I DO miss a lot of my friends right now so that might have something to do with it, but even if that IS the case, I probably wouldn't hang out with them if they were here, horrible as it is to say, but really, if you're honest with yourself you have one group at a time that you prefer more than the others. That's life, that's just the way the cookie crumbles.

In my bible study on Wed my pastor talked about Prudence vs. Pride. He brought up a lot of good, interesting points, but I think the one that got me the most was when he quoted the bible and said, "you must be as pure as doves while being as cunning as a snake." or something very close to was either in Matthew or Proverbs. Anyways, the point he was getting across is that though a dove is pure and innocent, it is good to be as wise as the serpent was.(the dove is wise in the same way but instead of coming off as being cunning it is innocent and pure) In Genesis it talks about how the snake was crafty and appealing because he was wise and knew what he was doing. To be genuinely prudent we must know ourselves, use this knowledge to gather more knowledge and with that knowledge become quiet and fruitful in your thoughts and your speech all while getting closer to your goal of having purity, wisdom, innocence and Godlyness in you at the same time. It is then that you start to begin to truly understand how to become prudent.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Who'da Thunkit

Isn't it funny how friendships go through phases? Like, you have a friend that you never thought you'd stray away from, you always thought you'd be as close as you were when you first met, and then all of a're really not that close anymore and it's no one's fault, but the phone calls are farther set, the things in common deteriorate, and the values almost seem to morph into polar opposites.

I'm going through that right now. My life seems to keep transitioning every day, it's been pretty crazy how things are clearing and the fog is lifting. I see who I can confide in and admire, and in all honesty it's not who I thought it would be four years ago. It's not bad by any means, I love the crew I surround myself with and I still have the best friend that any person could ever ask for (:) ) but at the same time, I thought that I'd still have the close friends from 2004 in 2008. They have their own group and do their own things...which, now that I think about it are very different from the things I like to do.

I'm not complaining about anything. I love my life--my simple, innocent, hilarious life...I just wish it still appealed to my old friends the way it appeals to me now. Life in the fast lane surely makes you lose your mind, but life on the moscow-pullman highway helps you create memories from point A to point B all while keeping your mind and remembering what happened the night before.

How it's gonna be

I know there are some people in my life that think I have changed a lot about myself to please my friends that I hang out with the most. Though I agree on some of the things they say and do as well as with many other people I respect greatly there are things about me that will never change and I will never let go of no matter who you are, what you do, or what you say. I had a stubborn phase, I thought it made me look strong and independent, but I have found that life seems to be much more enjoyable if you are chill but confident in your choices...that's true strength to me.

A good quote by me: "Men may rule the world, but women gave birth to those rulers..."

I do not believe a woman's soul purpose in life is to be in the kitchen with spitup as her perfume of choice with hair so outdated she looks like a hobo. Few believe this, but there are some men that do. Mark my words the day I have a relationship with a man that thinks a woman's soul purpose in life is to cook is the day that sunsets no longer appeal to me...most likely because I would have lost my mind.

I will never ever let any man at any time slap, hit, shove, or t0uch me in any aggressive way and think to myself, "I deserved it, he's right." Never. My father's job was to discipline me and he did a good job. He'd spank me if I disobeyed the rules or disappointed him and my mom and I'm glad for that, but when it comes to any other male in the world, I'd be gone so fast the jerk wouldn't know what hit him after he hit me.

I will never give up my faith upon request or suggestion from any human being. I don't care who you are; you could have eyes as deep as sapphires, you could have better hair than George Clooney, you could have the best singing voice in the planet and the most sexy smile known to man. No amount of money could ever sway my faith, my joy, or my source of salvation. If you can't accept me because I believe merely by faith and the power of love, nice knowing you.

I will never chose any outsider over family. That should be a given, but you'd be surprised how many people do just this. Unconditional love is rare and should be appreciated, and reciprocated as much as possible.

I am goofy. I frolic around, I laugh loud, I like to ruffle feathers occasionally by starting stupid debates, and I know how to be obnoxious. I do most of these things occasionally, but not so much to prove a point anymore. If I'm acting this way, it's because it's fun to occasionally be silly....Crazy concept I know, but life has to be balanced so you gotta be serious and keep your playful side at the same time because if you don't you miss out on one side of life.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Running shoes are only meant for physical activities

Here's a good play list to get in shape to when you need to clear the cobwebs of past weeks from your mind.

Summer of 69-Bryan Adams
Picture to Burn-Taylor Swift
Black or White-Michael Jackson
American Girl-Tom Petty
Cocomo-The Beach Boys
Life is a Highway-Rascal Flatts
(if you run to the beat in all these songs it works REALLY well.)

When you get home hula to these:

My Old School-Steely Dan
Bad-Michael Jackson
Pour Some Sugar on Me-Def Leppard
Rock a Hula Baby-Elvis

And then do about a million crunches to all those songs combined...Whew!