Monday, June 02, 2008

Who'da Thunkit

Isn't it funny how friendships go through phases? Like, you have a friend that you never thought you'd stray away from, you always thought you'd be as close as you were when you first met, and then all of a're really not that close anymore and it's no one's fault, but the phone calls are farther set, the things in common deteriorate, and the values almost seem to morph into polar opposites.

I'm going through that right now. My life seems to keep transitioning every day, it's been pretty crazy how things are clearing and the fog is lifting. I see who I can confide in and admire, and in all honesty it's not who I thought it would be four years ago. It's not bad by any means, I love the crew I surround myself with and I still have the best friend that any person could ever ask for (:) ) but at the same time, I thought that I'd still have the close friends from 2004 in 2008. They have their own group and do their own things...which, now that I think about it are very different from the things I like to do.

I'm not complaining about anything. I love my life--my simple, innocent, hilarious life...I just wish it still appealed to my old friends the way it appeals to me now. Life in the fast lane surely makes you lose your mind, but life on the moscow-pullman highway helps you create memories from point A to point B all while keeping your mind and remembering what happened the night before.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ha I understand that last thought all too well my friend.

11:28 PM  

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