Saturday, May 17, 2008

I hope Bob Marley was right.

Probably one of the most disappointing things in the world is when you look back on a time you thought you were the ultimate woman to someone and then realize you were just a stepping stone to a life someone thought would be better. Translation?: People constantly change into something they think is better that's very often worse, and there is nothing you can do about it. I'm glad God took away the deep feelings for me that I had for certain gorgeous blue eyed men, it's been easier for me to not get bummed about romance, but when I think about him I get sad. I don't get sad because I want him back, I get sad because he's doing the things he vowed to never do. So many people do that and I don't understand why. How hard is it to hold to your beliefs? It's very easy, actually. I've done it all my life and intend to keep doing it. I just wish more people would hold on to their "juvenile" goals and avoid those having to do with underage drinking, promiscuity, and general worldly conformity.

In other parts of my life I'm doing well. My nights consist of lazy talks in the Big Haus library, Winco runs, random drives with the girls, and wrangling toddlers and preschoolers of the Palouse. The past three days have been warm and friendly and though skin cancer runs in my family I welcome UV rays with wide open arms and a swimsuit top while rebuilding the fence around my house. My tan lines don't match, my jeans have mud on them, and my newly highlighted hair actually looks semi-natural now because of all the sun intake. I can hear the crickets and cyotes at Mtn.View park through the open door and the late spring air is perfectly still and fragrant. I have ice cream in my tummy, and a frame of a James Marsden movie paused to help me concentrate on writing this blog. I could die happy. When I look up at the stars, I see endless possibilities in my life...It sounds incredibly cheesy, but it's true. I don't know how so many people don't believe in heaven. I can't help but believe because when I look up at the stars, I'm convinced that there's GOT to be something so much more than just this one world and one life.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kels. What's a Cyote? ;)

10:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, I missed the part that had to do with Bob Marley somehow, but that's still really cool. And about the whole "sticking to your beliefs" part, I've gotta give you props and thank God for ya sister. That kind of endurance is something, well, special (in a non-retarded-TIMMAY!-way). One of my Christian cousins told me when I was younger that I'm not likely to meet a girl over 20 years old who WON'T give into...let's just say into the "worldliness". But as far as I'm concerned you could be a spiritual cross-country runner. Keep goin! :)

3:42 PM  

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