Wednesday, May 28, 2008

fallen heart

I know a wounded soul. A soul that has been through so much and seen such horrible things it's a wonder the person whom the soul inhabits still has hope for a civilian life. I know I sound pedestrian talking about this sort of stuff...My life has been easy and sweet compared to many many people and I've never doubted the existance of God or that he's always looking out for me. I have no desire to give into the temptations of the world, and I'd only change for myself. My life is good and God is with me. Why is God not with him? I know he is technically, but after all he's been through, why couldn't wounded soul hold on to the one thing he told me kept him going over seas.
He survived two tours of duty in Iraq. This man conquered things no one ever thought a small town boy was capable of. He should be dead, but he's not. Despite his insane war history this guy came home to a world full of tramas and crazy stories, but he survived. God kept him safe through all of it even at its absolute worst. How can he have called me from so far away, praising God, and now tell me he doesn't believe in any of the "bull" his entire life has been made up of. I don't see how anyone could turn their back on love like that. I feel so naive, like I'm missing something crucial that would make this all ok, but when I think about it, I'm not. In my opinion nothing lets this be ok because nothing is more important than salvation and a relationship with God.

In this world, we have the opportunity to sink or swim. We can be lazy or be productive, and we can search for truth or sit back and feel fine without knowing anything for sure. I don't know about you guys but shades of gray are too frequent in life and I need something in my life that is certain, right, pure, and never changing and the one thing I know is like that is God. That's why this blog is named what it is; because life can throw you things that you will never expect, it will pick you up, inhale you, puke you out and then stomp all over you, but when it's done having it's way with you, there is always one place you can go where everything is perfect, never changing, and always looking out for you...I
'll give you two guesses.

Abide with me fast falls the even tide
The darkness depends, Lord with me abide
When other helpers fail and comforts flee
Help of the helpless, oh abide with me

Swift to its close ebbs out lifes little day
Earth's joys grow dim its glories pass away
Change and decay in all around I see

I need thy presence every passing hour
What but thy grace can foils the temptors power?
Who like thyself, my guide and stay can be
Through cloud and sunshine, oh abide with me


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is so true and just an FYI, the line about life picking you up, inhaling you, puking you out and stomping on you and yet God being the common place my friend!!! good to hear and keep in mind:).

And I'll be praying for our fallen heart friend, he's been through a lot and even though this my be his biggest test yet I feel confident he'll push through this as well.

12:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Had to copy those lyrics before I go

12:06 AM  

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