Saturday, October 28, 2006

learning every day

Sometimes in life you just have to go with the flow, even if it's not what you would have chosen in a million years. You don't always get what you want or expect. Life is like a clay hut built on ever-moving sands: they may be subdued once you start constructing the hut, but every now and then the grains will shift and you will be thrown off track even though you knew it would happen sooner or later. It's just how things work. Tonight I was dissapointed. It's a good lesson to always keep the phrase "Lord Willing" in your vocabulary. Instead of saying "yeah, I am going to australia" you should say, "Yeah, Lord Willing I am going to Australia.".

There's a difference between being protective and possesive. Protective is looking out for someone else, but standing by in case you're needed. Posessive is a contstant smothering and anger towards anything that may break up the smothering. When this happens, don't dwell on it. It's ok to feel angry or annoyed, but be sure to not hold grudges and let it pass. It won't happen forever and there's always something more constructive to do with your time than worry about it. Take my advice, I know what I'm talking about.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Sky-like optics

There's a guy that is in most of my classes and it has become a habbit to watch him. He sits by himself with his laptop and will look up every now and then and reveal these bright, beautiful blue eyes. They may look ordinary to others but to me they are something special.

He's ok with sitting by himself. He's not distracted by attractive people of the opposite gender like I am during psychology. He sits and listens and occasionally sighs. We all sigh in that class, we can't take many more basketball analogies...But I digress. He's in Jazz Choir with me too, but there he has no laptop to hide behind and is not to my side. Since he's a Bass and I'm a Soprano, we sing across from eachother and though he may not think much of the girl admiring his eyes, he is a sight to behold. They're big and alert and when he blinks they are shaded by sweet long eye lashes.

I have never talked to this guy...ever. I don't even know his name...nevertheless, it is always fun to look up and sneak a glance his way to the eyes that could pierce even the hardest heart.

Summer has gone and passed...

Mom and I went and took pictures on Sunday because it was just soooooooo freakin' gorgeous and was the last day the leaves were reallllllly brilliant. No kidding, they've all pretty much fallen off now. The lady has become middle aged, bitter, and shedding. Soon, she will bring harsh frosts and make me have to scrape ice off of my windshield. Welcome back, Ms. Autumn.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Thank God for happy Ladies

Today I was standing on the sidewalk waiting to cross, and I looked to my left towards pita pit, and this little old lady was running across the street...pretty well, I must add. So, I smiled and thought to myself, "awe, that's cute.". Two seconds later, I felt cold bifocals on my cheek and a little voice saying,"I'm 88 years old today!" I was being embrased by a senior citizen, a total stranger. She kept talking about how great life is and how happy she was that she could still use her legs and enjoy her beautiful birthday weather. We walked about 50 more steps, she told me to have a good life and to not take it for granted, then bounced into the bank.

What an amazing women. I hope I turn out like her in 69 years; still cheerful, still giving hugs, still loving life the most I can, and still freakin' out whenever it's my birthday.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Rantings of an overly tired mind

Do you ever see people that you really want to have as part of your life, despite what you don't know about them? Or better yet, do you have one friend whose raritey makes them even more of a treat to be around? I have 1 person(guy) like that in my life. The problem with these types of personalities is that though you want to be part of their clan, they already have their own designated "close friends". So though there may be opportunity, chances are that's all you'll get...Maybe more in some cases.
Sometimes it's better to admire from a distance and smile in your head. They may never know how much you enjoy the idea of them, but at least they are being appreciated.
Ona totally different note, I'm going to write a novel in November. There's this contest world wide and the only rule I know of is that it has to be 50,000 words or more. I'll let you know how it goes.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I am emotionally exhausted.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

october 3rd already

"You'll get my cold." He warned.
"No I wont, I have a good immune system." I said as I drank from his coffee that he offered.

Four days later I'm a sniffleing mess. Nose unusable, tonsils tickleing in that un-fun way, and a less than audible voice. Welcome back, vicious virus. I almost skipped class today but couldn't bring myself to do it. So, here I am cold and waiting for my next class. I have to take a test on my birthday(Thursday). Woo hoo.

19. It's such an in between age. 1 year passed the official age of being an adult, 6 years passed the beginning of puberty, and 2 years until I can drink in resturaunts. I guess the only really significant thing about being 19 is that it's your last year of being a teenager. My friend and I tried to figure out something for me to do for my last day of being 18, and the only thing we could think of would be to smoke, but that didn't appeal to me, so I guess I'll just do nothing.

Neck's stiff, eyes squinty, stomach puffy...Gotta love the common cold.