Sky-like optics

There's a guy that is in most of my classes and it has become a habbit to watch him. He sits by himself with his laptop and will look up every now and then and reveal these bright, beautiful blue eyes. They may look ordinary to others but to me they are something special.
He's ok with sitting by himself. He's not distracted by attractive people of the opposite gender like I am during psychology. He sits and listens and occasionally sighs. We all sigh in that class, we can't take many more basketball analogies...But I digress. He's in Jazz Choir with me too, but there he has no laptop to hide behind and is not to my side. Since he's a Bass and I'm a Soprano, we sing across from eachother and though he may not think much of the girl admiring his eyes, he is a sight to behold. They're big and alert and when he blinks they are shaded by sweet long eye lashes.
I have never talked to this guy...ever. I don't even know his name...nevertheless, it is always fun to look up and sneak a glance his way to the eyes that could pierce even the hardest heart.
You should tell him I said "Hi" and when he asks who I am tell him "None of your business!" Yeah... that's how you get a guy, trust me.
lol, I tried that once and you ended up getting called Sir.
~ME :)~
lol no way im never gonna talk 2 this guy, ill just stalk him w/ looking at him all my life. Hey anna, DANIEL MIGHT GET TO GO TO AUSTRALIA! WOOO!
Australia! Why? there?
that's awesome though, way to go Daniel!
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