Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Me ranting...This can't be catagorized

Nicole, Tara(my "twin), me, and Anna.->

I am many things:

A biohazard(when housing strep throat like right now)
A frolicker
An extra body
A random grin in a sea of smerks when smerks are the standard
An overanalyzer
A morning person
A a night person
A family girl
A loner
A kickA$$ good time(ha!)

Am I NOT suppose to run up to my dad and poke him in the ribs, and not tickle the friends that have the best laugh when they're being tickled, and not give my friends hugs who I know like their personal space, and not pick up my cat when I know how much she doesn't want to be held? I hope during all these instances people realize I KNOW I'm being a pain in the butt but still...Is doing these things THAT bad? I haven't gotten any complaints lately, I'm just wondering...I can be prim and proper and pristine and cold and polite, but it's a much more comforting way of living if you add some play in there sometimes.
Am I suppose to be quieter when I am happy or laughing and use my limbs less in life and walk everywhere? Is being serious really all that attractive? When you're 19 and an extrovert, if you see a friend, you wanna say hey! More often than not in my town I've settled into acknowledgment by a quick lift of my chin like a bird trying to swallow a fish whole. I see my closest guy friend here and know to just smile. Why do I do this? Why is it something we all do? Why? Why is talking to people so hard sometimes in society? WHY!? I don't know. I don't like it, but I feel it's the way things are turning...Maybe I'll join the correct-age-behavior club once I get all my energy out of me.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas

Tonsils are built in traders. Mine have been turning on me since March. About a week ago, they got bad again, which then turned into strep throat. Ew, ouch,ouch! Penacilin and Ibuprofen are my best friends these days. Hopefully I'll heal sooner rather than later, but chances are I wont get to spend New Years Eve with my best friends up north...It'll be the first time in two years I start off the new year without them and I'm not quite sure how I feel about this.
Christmas break isn't made for staying in the house all the time. Merry Christmas everyone, stay in good health and wash your hands.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

My sister ashleigh wrote this.

This is for Kelsey...You know you're a Hebert if...

1. You notice fluctuation in gas prices, and it even affects your mood.

2. You divide the human race into givers and takers.

3. You know the meaning of and have used the phrase "Bastard Teepee Ass Face."

4. You know the threefold cure for all malaise: Brush your teeth, get more sleep, pray about it.

5. Drinking milk with dinner actually appeals to you.

6. You know how to distinguish natural men. "There ain't no man to be but a natural man."

7. You know what an alligator gar is.

8. You know what Luella sounds like.

9. Blonds, in general, are hard to distinguish from one another.

10. You sign "Love Always" in Christmas or birthday cards and mean it as a joke.

11. You are skilled in the preparation or drinking of coffee.

12. You prefere Coke to Pepsi.

13. You like A1.

14. You have eaten more chicken in your life than all types of junk food combined.

15. You'd prefer crying etc. to the silent treatment.

16. "Our House" by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young; "If" by Bread; "Happy to be Stuck with You" by Huey Lewis; anything by Billy Joel; and the theme songs from "Cheers" and "Mash" make you teary or nostalgic.

17. You still cringe a little whenever you say "stupid," since you were never allowed to say it.

18. You have impeccable grammar.

19. You know all the rules taught in the Bill Hebert School of Charm.

20. You know all the words to "Kokomo" by the Beach Boys.

21. You have actually seen someone have to abandon a hike in the woods because they were laughing so hard they couldn't finish.

22. TheBiggestTreeInIdaho is one word in your brain. Also, you know the tree is impossible to find.

23. This makes sense: Unadeki, unadeki, unadeki, unadeki, zoom zoom zoom, Muka Eeya Wey. Or this makes sense: Beweee bew. Beweee bew. Buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh beweee bew.

24. You have celebrated the feast of Santa Lucia or the Twelve Days of Christmas

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Peanuts - Merry Christmas Charlie Brown

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what's better?! I dont KNOW! Well, HOW THE GRINCH STOLE CHRISTMAS would be cool too...next time

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Reason, Season, Lifetime

I once got an email that was a forward and it said,"Friends come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime...". This concept scares me a bit, but it is true.
There is a group of people I made friends with at the begining of October. This entire month we haven't hung out once for one reason or another. Because of this I am sad to say that though I still want to see all of them, we are inevitably falling out of touch and will soon be just aquaintences. I think about it now and I don't think there's any way for me to prevent this. We all run in massively different circles and if we don't take the time to make our paths cross, they wont cross. One is 2,000 miles south the other 3 live about 6 minutes away from me but these days they might as well be 2,ooo miles away as well.
I met them for a reason; maybe it was to learn something, maybe it was to make me stronger somehow, maybe it was to remind me of something. Whatever it was, I'm missing them already and am just hoping that I am wrong about us all drifting apart.

Friday, December 08, 2006

My sister stole my face.

Here's me...Y I look ALOT like my sister Tara..it was so creepy I just had to put it up. Too bad I don't have a picture of her Lookin' the same way but this is scary! Those who know me, back me up here? Do I not look JUST like Tara!?! She's that one--->

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Pearl Harbor Day

Go here to listen to the speech Pres. Roosevelt gave on December 8th, 1941.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Put up the tree before my spirit falls again

"...Frosted window panes, candles gleaming inside, painted candy canes on the tree.
Santa's on his way he's filled his sleigh with things; things for you and for me.
It's that time of year when the world falls in love, every song you hear seems to say
"Merry Christmas! May your NewYears dreams come true!"
and this song of mine in 3/4 time wishes you and yours a Merry Christmaaas..." etc.

For those of you in the Moscow/Pullman area, come to our annual Christmas Concert at the Kibbie Dome! Moscow Highschool Choir, Jazz band IV, and Jazz Choir I will be there! (along with other high schools through out Idaho.) 7:30 Friday night. Be there or be sitting at home doing NOTHING.