Me ranting...This can't be catagorized

Nicole, Tara(my "twin), me, and Anna.->
I am many things:
A biohazard(when housing strep throat like right now)
A frolicker
An extra body
A random grin in a sea of smerks when smerks are the standard
An overanalyzer
A morning person
A a night person
A family girl
A loner
A kickA$$ good time(ha!

Am I NOT suppose to run up to my dad and poke him in the ribs, and not tickle the friends that have the best laugh when they're being tickled, and not give my friends hugs who I know like their personal space, and not pick up my cat when I know how much she doesn't want to be held? I hope during all these instances people realize I KNOW I'm being a pain in the butt but still...Is doing these things THAT bad? I haven't gotten any complaints lately, I'm just wondering...I can be prim and proper and pristine and cold and polite, but it's a much more comforting way of living if you add some play in there sometimes.
Am I suppose to be quieter when I am happy or laughing and use my limbs less in life and walk everywhere? Is being serious really all that attractive? When you're 19 and an extrovert, if you see a friend, you wanna say hey! More often than not in my town I've settled into acknowledgment by a quick lift of my chin like a bird trying to swallow a fish whole. I see my closest guy friend here and know to just smile. Why do I do this? Why is it something we all do? Why? Why is talking to people so hard sometimes in society? WHY!? I don't know. I don't like it, but I feel it's the way things are turning...Maybe I'll join the correct-age-behavior club once I get all my energy out of me.
Ooo look! Pretty ladies in picture!
You can hug me whenever you want. I don't use my personal space that much anyways.
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