Monday, November 27, 2006

Coldplay's the soundtrack to my life lately

The weather outside is white. Puuuurely white. Tonight my town got about 4 inches of snow, completely covering our streets and making it a pain to drive for me since I don't have snow tires on Murphy yet.
I can't quite grasp the idea of going back to school....AGAIN! It seems like break just started and here I am Monday morning writing in my blog. Back to work, back to exchanging money for food, back to sitting in class wondering if everyone else is as bored as me. Soon, it'll be Christmas break. I love Christmas break. The only thing I'm wondering about is if I will be able to successfully drive up North to spend the New Year with my friends. Living in North Idaho with no snow tires calls for disaster usually. I'm hoping this year is insanely warm so that I get off easily when it comes to driving the 200 miles to see the people I miss the most.
This is the month! I will work out, not eat candy and become toned again! Right now I'm at about a D in satisfaction with my own personal expectations when it comes to my bodily appearance. Not being in PE every day has really made me lazy. Parking makes me lazy, too. I see my guy friends wandering around shirtless and eating like horses, bragging about how they weigh 190 lbs... There's nothing about that that I'm allowed to do in public...or would want to for that matter. Guys have it easy! Shoveling snow surely helps in the callorie burning process though...Tomorrow! I'll shovel our sidewalk tomorrow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You could shovel ours too! We got about 4 inches of snow yesterday, and for us? That's enough to cancel school and make everybody quit driving... At least, the smart ones quite driving.

Everyone else, who doesn't know how to drive in snow? still goes out -- and gets in accidents.

7:51 AM  
Blogger kidcardco said...

I weigh a clean 200 easy and I have no diet what-so-ever. Yet it hasn't begun to show on my looks so far, but that could be the tux talking.
By the way... what is snow?

5:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But.... He's already been there and done that. Twice.

8:02 AM  
Blogger kidcardco said...

Thank you anonymous! And look and see where it got me?!

2:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You got many Moscow friends, 5 funny sisters, 4 under age, 3 little nephews, 2 more female family members, and you still own a twin sized bed.
Merry Christmas and Happy Valentine's Day.

7:13 PM  
Blogger Oh, Idaho said...

becky be nice and go to the corner. matt, go to your room. dont come out until you guys kiss and make up

10:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I'm in the corner and he's in the bedroom (why does he get to be in the bedroom?) how will we kiss and make up?

7:26 AM  
Blogger Oh, Idaho said...

K SO either Anna's posting as anonymous and saying things as Becky, or Anna is psychic and knew Becky would say that OR she told Becky to say that..either way HA HA HA HA HA

3:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anna is psychic.

4:33 PM  

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