Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Beating around the bush

I read somewhere online that a flock of robins is a sign for a fresh, new start, or for something wonderful to happen to you...but what if that flock of robins dive bombs you as you try to go into your apartment?! This happened to me. First off, what the heck are all those robins doing here? Shouldn't they be south? Secondly, since when are robins aggressive to the point odive-bombing? I am truly confused, a little scared of birds now, but as always, very amused and glad it happened to me.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Get Wisdom; Get Insight

I am trying so hard already this semester to succeed. My goal GPA is a 3.5 or higher...bring it.

Hello, old friends, I'm sorry I haven't posted since Christmas day, but seeing as how I have no very new comments, I can safely say that you have found something to preoccupy your time with until the moment of my return, which is right now.

Lately whenever I tell my parents about my lame dating life(not that I'm bad at it, but that guys no longer have the drive to try to impress) my parents tell me more and more about how it use to be. My dad is convinced that the guys of my generation are the most lazy and half hearted when it comes to dating, and I have to agree. To take a woman out, buy her dinner, and then some form of entertainment takes an effort. Go figure. Are the women of today so disgusting to the men of today that we do not even deserve to be pursued? Really, think about it. All we do now when we aren't officially boyfriend and girlfriend is sit around and watch movies...that's it.

The last time I got taken out to dinner by a guy that was interested in me that I let take me out was last February. Since then there have been a few guys that I've shared romantic interest in, but they never took me out...they never picked me up to take me somewhere, they never showed me off, it's just been, "Wanna come over and watch a movie?". I have no problem with going over to watch a movie..I love doing that, but when you're pursuing a woman, take her out for crying out loud! Hanging out is not dating, so on behalf of all the young, beautiful women in the world, if you wanna date me, which I know was a few of these guys' intentions, take me OUT on a date. See how that works? Yeah, cool, I know. Have a good week, chil'ren!