Monday, February 04, 2008


To those that haven't heard the story:

Today I got asked out my fourth time at Tri-State but this time above all others took the cake. The guy came in to give a co-worker of mine some money but he said to leave it with the cute girl(me) so the guy was like, "I guess YOU'RE the cutie, huh?"
blah blah blah and then he leaves..fine...but THEN, he comes back, puts two candy bars on the counter and says,"I just gotta find a way to talk to you more." and I was like "I doubt that." so then this guy says, "Why don't you give me your numberrrrrrrr so I can prove it to you." "OK." I say, so I give him a number...A number, not mine, A number. ...I gave him Paul's number so now when he calls it, he will be faced with a blue eyed skinny trombonist with a man's voice as opposed to a brown haired blue eyed hula girl...Call me horrible, but to ask out a girl over power bars and bad winking technique is kinda horrible as well and calls for some humiliating number giving. I wouldn't do this to every guy, but the way he went about it was just so sleazy and greasy that I couldn't resist.

My co-worker Brandon, who is gorgeous asked me if I'd ever do that to a guy like him and I said no, but before I said no he claimed I've scared him off talkin' to girls for a good few win/loss situation but OOOOOOOOh good heavens it was fun...Men, remember this next time you try to hit on a girl you've never seen in your life. Instead of power bars go to the lingerie store and try your luck there.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah cuz that's not a sleazy technique or anything.........wait have you been hanging out with Paul today? KELSEY!!!
Bwahhahaha just kidding:)

9:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nope, not a sleazy technique at all. (HAH. Whatever.) ;)

4:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My schizophrenic friend says that he'd personally use the "I'm trying to find something for my relative" line. (And he also wants to know where Anna learned how to spell technique - shhh.)

4:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh shud up! Doesn't your friend know that kels used the word "technique" in her post and all anna had to do was hit show original post to look at it? pssha and I thought you two were smart!;)

4:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She can spell technique, but not shut. Hm.

2:44 PM  

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