D.reamy U.ntainted S.acred K.elsey-approved ;)

As we all know, I love, love, love, LOVE sunsets even if they remind me of the fact that I once had a gorgeous guy wrapped around me watching them...I can't forget about sunsets, I live to watch them and will alllllllways love them, it's like the perfect thing to unendingly love; something that's gorgeous, sweet, faithful, poetic, mysterious, gentle, harmless, unique, and will never play hard to get.
I was thinkin' tonight in my sunset-less night how much I miss them because, as we all know in the Western winters, the sunsets are harder to see because of the clouds/rain/snow/cold, yet they're still there. It still happens every night for us to ooh and aah at, but unless you have an inside view, these days they're harder to come by. So, while I was mulling all this over in my head I have come to a conclusion...it's nothing overblown or intensely life changing, but it is a conclusion none the less that I am somewhat relived by (I'll tell you why later..second to last paragraph). I have seen Hawaiian sunsets, and I have seen western sunsets. I've seen them in Honolulu, Wallowa, Walla Walla, Pullman, Moscow, Boise, Missoula, Potlatch, Troy, Salt Lake City, Denver, Seattle, Spokane, Couer d' Alane, and so many other places and I have decided that my favorites are those that take place in my home town...with one exception...
They're usually orange and pink in the Heart of the Arts, and I can almost predict which colour will be which day, but though they are predictable and hard to get to sometimes, I'd much rather see a sunset from a mountain 30 miles from home rather than anywhere else. Don't get me wrong, I'm still infatuated with Hawaii, sand, sunsets, palm trees, and the romance all that brings, I love it there, always will, but a sunset here means so much more to me because it's like it's almost my own.
Some may be thinking, "this girl has too much time on her hands if she feels this is blog worthy." Think that if you want, but I have realized something: Me loving these sunsets means I am living my life here, not somewhere else. I'm noticing them, I'm watching them, and they make me think that these are the days I'm going to remember; those moments of silence and awe are my life. I want to travel, and I want to go places, but I'm learning to "live in the now" here, not somewhere 200 miles north like I did not too long ago...That chapter of my life started to end around last December. There was a lull up until March, which brought in something short, and sweet...which has yet again,come to a close. Now I just have to learn to enjoy the past and not dwell on it.
I love the fact that the events in our life that we don't plan are those that make the best memories, and I know that's why I love my western sunsets...(and my southern pacific ones.) There really is no point to all this, I'm just appreciative of the sky getting painted every night but today I realized I'm a little more content than I thought...which is good! So there you go, nothing monumental or mind bending, just a hopeless romantic shootin' the breeze day-dreaming of the end of each day.
Miss Kelsey Jane Hebert, you are one classy lady!!! BTW the first phrase of that last paragraph is going in my common place.:)
"Live in the now"
The mindset that everyone needs to have.
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