Gonna hurt, don't care, totally worth it
So, I just almost DIED.
The sun was setting, it was gorgeous from what I could see...
I wanted more.
I grabbed a coat, put it on, but upside down.
Grabbed another, ran upstairs, grabbed my camera, ran passed a wide eyed Anna.
Ran outside, slipped, fell, hit my head, started laughing histerically.
Anna just says "Kels? you ok?" between her breaths of laughing at me.
I get up, start my car....windshield COVERED with snow...I start whining, hyperventilating, whimpering.
Anna Yells, "Kels, get in my car!" We go! We riiiiiiiiiiide! We...get stuck in traffic and I almost rip my hair out of my head as I see my sunset slipping away from me. We get to the hill, I haul ass out of the car, take about 5 pictures while Anna stands there in the cold watching her spastic friend indulge in her obsession.
4 minutes later, we're on our way home totally calm like nothing ridiculous just happened. Anna says, "You'd be the best photographer ever! You'd be like "QUICK THE LION'S GETTING AWAY, GO UP THAT ROCKY CLIFF THAT WE MIGHT DIE ON!" " We laaaaaaaugh for about a minute then I start getting sleepy. Now I feel hyper...Concusion? Maybe? Worth it? You tell me:).
The sun was setting, it was gorgeous from what I could see...
I wanted more.
I grabbed a coat, put it on, but upside down.
Grabbed another, ran upstairs, grabbed my camera, ran passed a wide eyed Anna.
Ran outside, slipped, fell, hit my head, started laughing histerically.
Anna just says "Kels? you ok?" between her breaths of laughing at me.
I get up, start my car....windshield COVERED with snow...I start whining, hyperventilating, whimpering.
Anna Yells, "Kels, get in my car!" We go! We riiiiiiiiiiide! We...get stuck in traffic and I almost rip my hair out of my head as I see my sunset slipping away from me. We get to the hill, I haul ass out of the car, take about 5 pictures while Anna stands there in the cold watching her spastic friend indulge in her obsession.
4 minutes later, we're on our way home totally calm like nothing ridiculous just happened. Anna says, "You'd be the best photographer ever! You'd be like "QUICK THE LION'S GETTING AWAY, GO UP THAT ROCKY CLIFF THAT WE MIGHT DIE ON!" " We laaaaaaaugh for about a minute then I start getting sleepy. Now I feel hyper...Concusion? Maybe? Worth it? You tell me:).

AHAHAHAHA that's the best story I've heard in a while. If it weren't for her, you'd be dead... You know you would. :)
lol that was a really amazing sunset.........it was also really amazing watching Kels slide across the ice in her cowboy boots with no tread and seeing her slip when she kinda ran into her car. I could see her for a second and then she was gone. lol Good day!
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