Saturday, August 12, 2006

Asher's Home!

Today was the most un-productive day ever...It was awesome. At work, there were no more than 20 kids in the entire pool, which made my job easier than it already is...It was crazy-easy. So because of the clouds and the 10 degree drop in heat, we closed an hour early. Closing duties were fun today, as well as the hour before we actually got to close because it was more like social time than anything. Dancin' up on the slide platform is the thing to do, and I did it. It was beautiful.

I just got back from a party, a good party. What's better than sitting at a Bonfire listening to music and staring at a meteor shower witha bunch of College age paratroopers? Ok, they weren't paratroopers really, but they are fun kids. I made my friend Isaac his first s'more tonight. He's from Panama, never had one before in his life. His eyes lit up and he gave me a big smile as he took his first bite. "Bueno, Mui Bueno." he said. It was great being with these people. It was simplicity and innocense at its prime, along with consistant laughter and crackling sounds. We had some piros among us (me being one of them.). We burned a ghram cracker box, some plastic, a couple thousand sticks, and wasted about 40 marshallows all for the sake of watching them glow....Good times.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Seen here is my gorgeous friend Samuel and Me. Sam was trying to teach me that IPODS are not a bad thing; That they help you experience all your music conveniently and in one simple package. I did not listen. Ipods are evil. Cds and cassettes are good. I will never buy an Ipod because they are turning the tables of life and putting the idea into peoples' heads that listening to music and changing cds is inconvenient...That right there's half the pleasure! Seeing the cd, picking it up, putting it in, skipping to your favorite track! What could be better!?

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Beauty is in my Eye, I am the Beholder.

Isn't this cool? I love it. I googled "heaven" and this is what came up.