3 months and one God forsaken day later...

First off, a shout out to my beautiful best friend Paul for bringing me the best chocolate ever at the lamest job ever, Brent for thinkin' of me even though he's got his own girl, and Meg, for bringing me kisses. You guys made my afternoon and I'm keeping all of the packaging.
The Banquet was a good time, lots of good conversation and some awesome valentines/ cards sent my way...it was so fun in fact that it almost made me forget why I hate this God-forsaken singles awareness day until...
I went to country swing..Let's just say, my singleness was made more aware to me more than it ever has been and in the harshest way I could possibly think of....Yes, I saw HIM there and YES, He was with someone that wasn't me which is funny considering how he said he'd make me LIKE valentines day...
In other news; One guy dipped me over his knee held me there for about 5 seconds and told me he wanted me, another asked if all people in Moscow were inbred, and one told me Moscow was a hell hole. FIRST off, knee dude, Tim I think it was, you are sick and a bad dancer and smell like dirty clothes, inbred dude, I'm taller than you and you're going bald, hell hole man, lay off my town, get some anti perspirant for your hands and THEN maybe you can start voicing your opinions on my town.
Last but not least I do not trust liars. Ever. To say one wishy washy thing and then go back on what you said is weak, contradicting, and cowardly...It's one of the things that lessens my opinion of people. Don't be hypocritical, don't beat around the bush cuz you will be found out and someone getting hurt is inevitable. Say it flat out the first time; black and white's much clearer than muddled water colours.
Thank goodness Valentines day's OVER. My heart hurts, my emotions are shot, my depressions in full swing and I am going to sleep for as long as I possibly can.
well don't sleep too long, cuz there's JAZZ CHOIR tonight, and I'll b there!!! WOooo, a rather good way to come out of Valentines day, if you ask me!!!!
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