Thursday, March 27, 2008

Pizza Crusts and Old Smoke

I am getting sick again. This will be the third cold I've had in the past two months...I blame it on the snow, the smoke that I put up with, the easily inflamed tonsils, and stress.

Earlier this week I wounded my foot it's all better. Thank God for speedy recoveries. Country swing here I come!

Samuel has been in town all week so getting to see him nearly every day has brought joy to my heart. I forget about how much that guy inspires me in his moments when he's not trying to show how well he can quote stuff. When he's giving advice or talking to someone older than himself he is truly the ultimate man and I love him for it. Late night conversations with him and the other guys of my life have nearly lulled me to sleep numerous times this week, and these are the things I miss the most when he is gone.

We got a grand total of 8 FREAKIN' INCHES of snow last night...It's March 27th! What the heck!? Stupid El Nino.

Have I told you that my church finally has a home? We aren't gypsies anymore, we now have a beautiful, white church to call our's perfect for us and it is now officially ours. I was just thinking of how awesome it is that we don't have to move around from place to place anymore.. Praise God, right? Right.

Appreciate those that chose to have you around. Love those that make an effort to let you know that they care. Do something for someone else today, live your life the way that would make your parents proud.



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