Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Way back when Hawai'i was nothing but flowers and mud huts, there was a certain ritual that I think dating should still have. The young men of the tribes who had a certain lady in mind would write a song especially for her and perform it on an instrument called the Nose Flute.(If ya donno what that is, google it.) So, they'd write their song and play it to the lady they wanted to court/marry. Now here's the catch: If the girl didn't like the song that he wrote her, she would not go out with him, so if he REALLY wanted to win her over, he'd keep writing her nose-flute songs until he finally won her over with the perfect melody and that would then become THEIR "song".

Perdy crazy! Immagine if that still went on today, girls. A relationship based on music, that concept's awesome to me. Not to mention the GUYS would actually be doing something besides acting aloof.;)

In my tour at the Bishop museum in Hawai'i, I learned that before the caucasians came to Hawai'i there were no diseases at all in Hawai'i. But then the British and French and everyone came over, brought the plague with them along with leprasy WHICH eventually led to the sick Hawai'ians being sent to Malakai so that they could just die in peace. Malakai was the quarentine sight for TONS of lepers. Pretty sad, but I still think it's amazing that they didn't have any disease the first 200 years of being on the island. It may be safe to say that it was a second Garden of Eden.

I went running yesturday and ran about a good 2 miles or so, and you know what? Running in Moscow isn't NEARLY as fun as walking in Hawai'i. I'm pretty sure everyone in the entire country could have told you that, but it's just sooo different. Walking in Hawai'i lets you see things that you may never see again as well as see PEOPLE you will definately never see again. Moscow's the same as it was when I was 2, I love it, but it's getting uncontrolably routine.

Waikiki Beach at night is one of the most theraputic things you could do for yourself. If you just sit and look at those waves....OOOOOOOO man, there's nothing like it in the world. You could sit by Hordomans pond and watch the fish jump up, but that's not really quite the same thing. GO TO HAWAII


The birds chirp to entice you to join them in the day
As a Hawai’ian sun greets you with harsh, glowing rays
By early morning, it’s bright and new with the oceans melodic force
The town’s still asleep as the merchants stir to make a days living come true

The afternoons are busy and hot as people go about on their quests
By mid day everyone’s been somewhere new, and all know what they liked best
Lunches are had and naps are taken as the sun keeps going firm
Kids run with white noses and red backs: the ultimate Hawai’i burn.

The nights are lazy and calm as everyone starts to relax
With the cool breezes and tropical drinks sitting upon their slacks
Musicians come out, and shouts are increasing as day turns into dusk
Fine jewelry made of diamonds and pebbles and hunks of walrus tusk

The Ocean’s carrying out its tune, as it has for years and years
With memories from around the world of fun, romance, and tears
The palm trees wont stop their sway, it’s what they know to do
People come and people go, but the palm trees stay right through

The plumeria keep their colours despite the change of light
They grow and fall right off the trees and are gathered during the night
They smell of peace and harmony, of innocence forever
Purity and simplicity are all they contain, through the foulest of weather
To have this flower behind your ear is perfect, good, and right.

The day is done, and night has come, it’s time to take a rest
But don’t forget the beauty of this island..It's the best.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

who wrote that poem, if it was you, tips up.

4:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice theory on the dating/courtship thing. But what if he's a bad kisser?


6:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Update, update, update! We love to hear about your life, b/c we love you. And you should write something about the art walk last night... he he he. The pear, the loaf of bread by the pear, the glass of wine on the table by the loaf of bread by the pear, etc...

10:25 AM  

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