Tuesday, April 01, 2008

My Philosophers.

If you trade out the times when you want to do things that may hurt your soul for the things you know will help you grow spiritually, you have a very different life in a matter of days. I've been doing this and it honestly helps. Surrounding yourself with purity is very beneficial when your life is taking on new twists and turns and you need good in your life more than ever.

Last night in the Big Haus library the men I have seen grow up showed yet again a different side to themselves. I have known some since they were five and others only a couple years, but hearing their philosophies and theories on life, death, senses, and afterlife really helped my respect for them. You see them in their army gear, or riding a rail on a summer night and think they are just your regular guys in a small town...how wrong are YOU!? I wish you guys'd been around to hear what I heard last night, I'm still trying to wrap my mind around some of the concepts....geez.

Above all else I'm happy to report a turning point in my life. I heard the song, "It just comes natural" which was like....THE song for me and Trav back in our romance. Anyways, it came on, and as I was about to get sad I thought to myself, "ya know what, I don't need this right now." so what did I do? MHMM, I changed the station. I couldn't believe it! I didn't quite know how I felt about it until I got to my destination. I was goin' to support a friend that doubted I would come, and to see him so glad that I came to listen to him play piano for 5 minutes made the whole thing all the more right to me, I felt good in just being me.

I may not have my life figured out, but I am not feeling lost anymore. I am single, I am alone, I have responsibilities, I have dreams, and I have goals. I have friends, I have family, I have hobbies, I have passions, I have theories. I have favorite songs, I have favorite poems, I have favorite morals. I have all these things, and above all else, I have confidence in the Lord. Life. Is. Good.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess you can SAY that you're alone, but you know what? If you HAVE all those great things? You're really not. :p

4:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

:)know whatcha mean kiddo, and yeah you're right, Life IS GOOD!!! :)

5:52 PM  

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